Thursday, December 8, 2016

Practical Application - Wikispaces

Wikispaces is a useful way for teachers and students to share information they have researched or compiled for a class or lesson. Teachers can create a Wikispace for a class that includes a schedule, syllabus, projects and general class information. Students could be required to, in groups or alone, create a Wikispace regarding a topic or lesson in which they compile information in a succinct format for their fellow students to read. This app could be used to create a digital Jigsaw activity for the class to collectively gather information on a broad and complex topic.

Wikispaces provides free access for teachers and students, with a $1,000 yearly fee to connect a school, district or campus all in one space. Wikispaces is designed for educators and is easily edited, adjusted and promotes an active atmosphere within the classroom, the free version is plenty for any single teacher.

Below are a few images of Wikispaces in action...

Wikispaces is a helpful tool for teachers to keep students involved, including the ability to monitor student progress.

Users can customize their pages with ease, including uploading photos, videos or any sources from the web.

Projects and homework can be added with a description, instructions and due date. Teachers can set an automatic reminder when an assignment is due.

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