Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Practical Application - Socrative

Socrative Teacher is a wonderful application that allows a teacher to create entry and exit tickets that can be compiled as data on individual students and the class as a whole. The entry and exit tickets are posted by the teacher and students submit their answers on their computer or tablets. The app tracks each student's progress in the form of graphs and charts. There is also a "Space Race" feature that allows the teacher to split the class into teams who compete in a quiz show style competition. This allows the teacher to track their students progress in a fun and creative way. This application is free for one class setup - but if a teacher has multiple classes it requires yearly payment. The application is also reliant on wifi inside the classroom; if tablets with wifi are not readily available, the application is obviously useless. Below are a few images of the application...

The Home Page for the teacher.

This is the creation of a quiz or Space Race.

In the background is a view of a Space Race - In the foreground you can see options to view the data.

Socrative Teacher also allows teachers to share and reuse quizzes online.

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